Thursday, December 8, 2011
On the Web
Any comments or criticism would be appreciated, please check it out!
Links are also to the left under the "About Me"
Saturday, December 3, 2011
And, imagine that, I still draw.

This is a little something I did when I should have been doing something else. And in case I'm NOT the last person on the internet to know about this....Keep Reading. It Gets Better.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Under the Camera
So far we've been exploring under the camera techniques using this nifty program called dragon stop-motion (although they've just released a new version called dragonframe).
The first individual project we did was to animate cut paper puppets.
I tried out green screening, but I was using construction paper for the green and having some problems maintaining the image quality in final cut, so the editing is a bit lackluster at parts.
The next was a short based on some old Sesame Street animations. We were to choose one of a variety of methods and do a 15 second short that ended up as an animal
I used black sand, and pulled armadillo out of the hat, so. It's an Armadillo!
The most recent one we did was a collage animation. I found it to be very similar to the paper animation, and really they are sort of interchangeable.
People seems to like the sounds on this one.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
In which I share some fun things I find on the internet
MAD architects are a group of imaginative people bringing the fantastic into reality. I don't actually know how many projects they've completed, but I want to go to them. All of them.
And then there are fun science-y nature these clouds. So pretty!
For people more interested in things of a smaller scale, this book looks frigg'n awesome.
It's basically a bunch of people passing around a journal to friends and friends of friends and collecting entries. Only it's a sketchbook as opposed to a journal, and the friends are illustrators living and working all around the world.
And then, because I like birds, have some pretty pictures.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Two Half-Sized Figures and a Head
Anyway, yeah.. here they are.

I think I'm getting better at faces, slowly but yesh. I seem to need more time for the eyes. After our break, I think we'll be doing two week pieces, so maybe then I'll get a front view I'm happy with.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
bowls and mugs!
Our first assignment that we fired was to make mugs. Mine are all tiny, with the exception of the green one. These were glazed in the hire-fire shop glazes which means they're all microwave and dishwasher safe! :D

The next thing we did was make bowls. These were done on low-fire and glazed with the majolica technique. I thought it would be more like painting at Petroyglyph (or some other paint-it-yourself- pottery place) and so was not expecting how...un-uniform the glazes turned out to be. I was trying to get a brush-y look on a lot of them, but I don't think I mixed the glazes well enough for that to happen.

Saturday, October 1, 2011
Thesis: Weeks 1-3
This first page that I've been working on is based off the Iroquois creation myth. I've mostly got the construction down, and despite being about 4 feet long, my classmates think the size isn't too unwieldy.
I'm pretty sure none of them actually tried to hold it though.

Sunday, September 25, 2011
portrait sculpture
This phenomenon is wholly due to my Monday class, Figure Sculpture. You spend the whole class building something up, and then get to viciously tear it down at the end, it's wonderful. We'll be doing two things in this class; portraits and half-size figures. These are the first two portraits.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Bird Lamp
Friday, June 17, 2011
Three months later, it's summer!
Figured I should post the finished masks; the second one didn't have time for a paint job, but that's all alright. I like the wood look anyway.
I've been back a school, taking summer classes, in case any y'all are interested. Just finishing up Jr. Illustration 1 , which should transfer over to concepts 2 credit. A Jr. Illustration core credit I couldn't get while abroad.
The first assignment for the class was to create a desk calendar. Out of the given non-profits, I chose to do The Nature Conservancy, and focused on their Sonoran Desert Project.

However, if I had had the time to come up with enough ideas, I probably would have done The Hunger Project. Both of these are worth a look at.
The second project was to make a post card. After trying and trying and failing to make a decent image for the ice hotel in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden, I ended up just doing one of the other choices: Harajuku Japan. My favorite part of this assignment, (both in making, and the result) was the stamp, which is shown next to the postcard back. Though, it was actually stamp size when I printed it.

And I just started life drawing this week. (I'm so glad this week is over, it was three double studio days in a row. NEVER AGAIN!) I'll be sure to get some of those assignments up soon as I've actually completed them.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Masks and Drawing
Also, I met up with my Advisor for my ISP project at a Life Drawing class, it was kind of weird being in Indonesia surrounded by old white people drawing a nude.....
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Mask Making, Day 2,3, 4
Monday, March 7, 2011
Topeng adventures Day one
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Check in
So I apologies for the lack of posts. I will put the blame partly on not having a steady time or place for Internet, and partially on my own inability to write things down every day. So rather than submit to you another freakishly long post describing in detail my experiences in Java and the past week and a half in Bali I figured I'd just say I'm alive, and living with a wonderful family in Bedulu Bail. We have a regular class schedule now, which is actually very helpful, and we're not busing around every moment. We had our first free weekend last week, and then another this week, and we've been here a month. Should give you an idea of how our schedule's been.
I will say that in Java we were able to visit the two great temples known as Brambadour and Prambanon. And had a short week long home stay with a Muslim family in a village outside the city of Yogyakarta. And that I lost any pictures I had of them when I went and lost my camera. I did manage to replace that though, so there will be plenty more pictures from this trip.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
If there's one thing all airports share in common, it's the waiting, and the planes, but those are all branded differently and not everyone sells the same brand but the waiting is universal. This airport, however, also has free WiFi. So I figured I should get the whole travel part of this blog happening.